For the past 3 nights Jadey has been having a hard time sleeping. I often think its her teeth, so I give her some orajel. She always eats before she goes to sleep, I bathe her, I read to her etc etc.
But since this Christmas weekend, she has been staying up late. I'm thinking she thinks we are still in party mode and she stayes up until 1 in the morning just chatting away! I try to rock her and she gets mad, she rubs her eyes and fights her sleep really bad!
Tonight, ill try and record what she sounds like, during her midnight chatter!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
Jade found her feet
FINALLY, Pictures of her chompers
Jade NEVER lets me take a picture of her new teeth. She either moves her head and has a fit or she hits my hand out of the way, or she will bite me HEHEHE. So finally, they are big enough to see. She started teething around 3 month. It kinda threw her sleep off. She used to sleep through the night up until she was about 3 1/2 months until now. She gets a little fussy, she cries. She has been clingy and just wants me, daddy or grandma, and we do not mind loving on her. So, behold....Jades 2 teeth.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
She laughs at herself!
My dad is talking to her in the background ! Towards the end of the video she starts sounding like a monkey!
Learning new things
Jade is now 5 1/2 months. She is getting big :( I am thankful that God has given me a healthy baby, and that she is growing perfectly in so many ways. Yet, I get kind of bummed out because I tried for such a long time and she is growing sooo fast. However, she is getting funnier and funnier each day! She has been eating solids since she was 3 months old, but now she is eating beans and rice, and some meats. She enjoys standing up and sitting up like a big girl.
She also likes to play sitting up (with a little help from her boppy) She gets mad then too, because her belly is in the way when she sits down HAHA
Since she is a big girl now, the other day we were sitting on the couch, and she sat on the couch next to me, before I knew it she was passed out!
My mom is the one that watches her, and they do the weirdest things together LOL

The other day, her daddy came home with the activity saucer...she loves it, but tends to get pretty mad when she cant pull the toys off! HAHA 
She loves the web cam! 

*sigh* She is just beautiful :) 
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Jade's First Picture with the Big Guy
My good friend Wendy and I met up for breakfast this morning. We also decided to take the kiddos to get their picture taken with Santa. Being that this is Jade's first Christmas, I am very stoked! I was kind of scared that she would freak out...but she didnt! Isnt she just precious?!
Not only is this her first Christmas, but last year when I was pregnant with her, it snowed...this year, it happend again! How cool is that? She got a White Christmas this year! 
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Jade's Chompers!
For the past week, Jadey has been very fussy. She hasn't slept good, she's been really clingyn not her usual self. So, to our surprise...last night we saw Chompers! Teeth! They broke through and has them coming through! Hahah she comes!
Friday, November 27, 2009
Bath time with Daddy
I bathe Jade pretty much every night. Lupe get scared bathing her, so he has decided to give it a shot. Notice the hesitation at first....
Now with confidence he scrubs! My baby is now clean! Hurray for Daddy
Friday, November 13, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Spending time with Abuelito Jose
Every weekend, my dad comes over to hang out with Jadey Poo or I take her to see him. Since he is the only one that doesn't get a chance to see her on a daily basis like Al and Ma. As soon as he walks in, he greets her "Mamachita!!! Aqui esta tu Abuelito!" (Mamachita, your grandpa is here!) As soon as she sees him, she gives him a huge smile! Then the sparks come on, and that's it. The entire day its just him and her. No one else in their little world! He usually feeds her, changes her diaper and takes her out for walks or sits in the front watching people and cars go by. Most of the time he talks to her, but sometime it just doesn't matter what is said, as long as they are together. They stare off together, him in his deep thoughts and her just taking in the new world around her
While she sits there and takes it all in, there is one thing she enjoys doing, she loves to eat her fingers HAHA , At first its a little sour...
Hmm, it doesn't taste that bad...
After all the deep thoughts, and all the finger the end what matters most was that they loved being with each other, and that they will meet again the next weekend, to do what they do best together.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
First Halloween
We had such a fun time on Halloween. We ended up going to Pearland. Jadey had such a good time. Her brothers were getting the candy for her, because it was a little cold for her, so we kept her nice and bundled. She dressed up as a little pumpkin. Then Jaylan dressed as a Ninja! TEEHEE. It was so cute. Then there was a house im the neighborhood that had a Haunted House, on the front part of the house had a huge Reaper. 

Friday, October 30, 2009
Jade 4 months!
My little monkey turned 4 months today. I must say that every week, she does so many new things. It just amazes me. Here is a video of her copying the noises I make LOL. Its so funny...also, notice how distracted she gets when she sees the camera. LOL
Monday, October 26, 2009
My little Aunt Jemima
She was so into watching her brothers this weekend. Jaylan dressed up as a ninja and he wrapped one of his sleeves on her head...and she loved it. She also looked extra pretty because she got her ears pierced Saturday. It was very hard for me because she got scared. She didnt cry much...I cried more than she did. Auughh 
My Funny Monkey
Jade is going to be 4 months on Friday...and well we have over 1000 pics of her. Its funny how you take so many pictures of your child. Yet there is one picture in particular that just cracks me up when I see it. She is just chewing away at her little hands!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Sitting up
My little munchkin seems like she is just growing up so fast. It makes me sad sometimes, because I am enjoying her so much right now, and I just dont want her to get bigger...she is such a good baby. She is silly, and very very active hehe! Every little thing she does, all her little coo's. As a new mom sometimes her little coo's scare me...dumb I know...but sometimes I just wonder if they are coo's or if something hurts HEHE.
Me and my boo
Monday, September 28, 2009
Birthday Blanket for Alex
Since Al's b-day is coming up pretty soon. I was thinking about making her a blanket. Being that she is always cold and I figure I would help her stay warm. So, wish me luck and I will post my end result on here!
Friday, September 18, 2009
First week of work
This was my first week back at work, and I got to say it was very hard to leave my little monkey. On Monday morning I woke up and was just so heart broken. I haven't been away from her this long. When I came home, Ma said she thinks she missed me. As soon as I held her she just layed her little head on me and wanted to cuddle with me Awwww...and I loved it, because I missed her just as much.
The following day, Ma said she was alot better. Her and her Tita Alex went for a cruise and they said she loved it.
So as you can see from her expression....I have nothing to worry about while I am at work and for that I am eternally grateful to my mom and sissy! I love you guys! 

Thursday, September 10, 2009
Feeling Blue
So, I go back to work on Monday :(. Which sucks because I wont spend all day with my little angel. Ok, I cant really type right now...because I started to cry. :(
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Sleepy Monkey
Since day one, when we got home my mom placed her on her belly to sleep. She said she did that to us, so we tried it on Jade. Since then...she has fallen in love with sleeping on her belly, however she hate light! I caught her the other day sleeping like this!
She is so funny! I moved them away, and she squeeled and put them back on her eyes. Funny thing is, when we went to do our 3D ultrasound, she was doing this the whole time. So we ended up paying 135 bucks and didnt get any pics :) She was trying to surprise us. HEHE.
She is so funny! I moved them away, and she squeeled and put them back on her eyes. Funny thing is, when we went to do our 3D ultrasound, she was doing this the whole time. So we ended up paying 135 bucks and didnt get any pics :) She was trying to surprise us. HEHE.
7 1/2 weeks old
My little angel is 7 1/2 weeks old! She is getting so chubby and just plain delicious. hehe. She has become the center of my world. This little person depends on me 100% and she tusts me. She has changed so much since the first weeks.
- She eats alot more...she is up to 3 oz and afterwards she latches on and drinks breast milk
- She is smiling and making lots of cooing sounds, she does it alot in the mornings, to her daddy and her Grandma Rosy, and ofcourse me :)
- She loves sleeping on her daddy and Grandpa Jose's chest.
- She has her first stuffy nose! It kills me!
- She cries louder! LOL
- She has gotten in the habit of sucking on her hands and arms, apparently they taste better than the pacifier.
- She loves her stroller and enjoys taking little strolls with me
- She is up alot more now during the day, and wakes up only twice to eat at night! YAY
- She loves her bath time now, she now cries when we take her out.
- Her hands smell like cheese because she sucks on them after she eats, even after I bathe her, her hands will smell like cheese because she sucks the water off her hands HAHA
- She has a special spot in the house where she loves to fall asleep.
- She turns to look at me when I call her name.
- She is tickelish in between her little chubby legs :)
- She knows mommy loves her!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Meteor Showers
I have always been interested meteors, moon, stars etc etc. So I found this chart of when we will have meteor showers. Check it out...last night I didnt see anything but they also said that you can try it again right before midnight the following day up till the dawn of the next day! YAY 

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