Friday, July 10, 2009

Being a New Parent

Nobody said it would be easy, however I am enjoying every second with her. I'm still trying to recognize her diffrent types of cries. Her diffrent noises...some which scare me even though I know that they are harmless...but still scare the crap out of me. At night its still kinda hard to sleep, even though she does a great job at sleeping through 3 hr intervals until her next feeding...but I just stay up to hear evey noise she makes. I'm very paranoid. Thank God for my family who has helped me out so much, I sleep during the day while my mom watches her and then I take over the night shift.

So, while I am up at night....I have grown very fond of the Food Network.

The shows at night are actually pretty cool. I watch Iron Chef, Guys Diners, Drive-In's and Dives, Wrapped. They are pretty cool. It just seems that, thats the only channel that isnt showing anything on Michael Jackson.