My wonderful friend Tania went and threw me a baby shower! She did awesome! My Awesome Momma and sister had the place all decorated, then my sweety pie made some rocking Brisket, potatoe salad, beans and rice! My sister in law Sue bought me the awesome cake! That was super sweet of her! We played some really cool games too...Check out some of the pictures!!
Here are all the girls from the baby shower. Thank you All so much! I love you all very much!!

Here is my awesome Cake! Isnt it cute!

My beautiful Mommy and Proud Soon to be Grandma...measuring my belly!

Another pic of the cake! It as yummy as it looked! It was Vanilla and Chocolate with a Bulgvarian Creme Filling!! MMMMM

Janeth and her friend!

Here is my sister and Tania! I sooo love them! They rock!

My sister in Laws- Viola (Yaya) and Sue!

My awesome friend Deb! I am so glad she came!

Last, but never ever least! My sister from another mister! My wonderful friend Christi! Thank you for coming and sharing this wonderful and very special moment with me Stink! Love you!