Friday, February 26, 2010
Guest Room - Chapter 1
So as I have mentioned on one of my previous blogs, my cousin JoAna is coming down to visit us in June. So I am going to redecorate our “guest” room. In reality its been more of a storage room , because none of us have slept there. We have just put all of Jades stuff in it. LOL. But, I will be posting the progress of the room as I go.
Grandpa Day
As always, this past Friday Grandpa Jose came over to hang out with Jade. They have such a great time together, wheather is going for a nice walk in park, riding along with him to go get his coffee, or just sitting on the couch wathching cartoons. 
I just don’t really think they really care what they do, as long as they do it together…because when I come home, I come home to 2 of the happiest and most beautiful smiling faces I have ever laid my eyes on.
Camera Diva
She must get this from my side of the family, because I use to LOOOVE taking pictures. Its just so funny, because she seems to really enjoy taking pictures.
Notice the funky face Daddy is making….yet she is smiling
Look at this one…Daddy has yet another funky face…and she looks great!
So I believe I have proven my point…She is definitely a Camera Diva.
Jade got a walker but...
... She’s too short for it : / …Poor thing, her luck…the only little and cute walker we find and she cant fit in it. However, on a positive note…she makes the best of the situation. She loves playing with the little thingys on the tray part. YAY Jade!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
We have so many exciting things that we have planned. In June is my babys 1st birthday...gosh, how time flys. Then that same month, my cousin JoAna, who I have never met, is coming down to meet us. She is from L.A. so my family and I are excited and are starting to get the guest room ready for her.
Then we are also setting up plans to have the baby's b-day party, which I can not wait for! Being that its her first birtday, I want to go all out!
I cant believe my baby will be 1 so soon *sniff sniff*
Then we are also setting up plans to have the baby's b-day party, which I can not wait for! Being that its her first birtday, I want to go all out!
I cant believe my baby will be 1 so soon *sniff sniff*
Jade was mad at me!
Jadey has been teething, her 2 top teeth came in and they must still be bothering her because she is just a fussy little monkey. I have been giving her Tylenol and Orajel, which soothes her. However, she gets in a bad mood easier right now. LOL. The other day was a little windy and since my fever scare with her, I didnt want to risk it and I wanted to put a beenie on her head. She fought me and fought me! Util I finally got it on her head...but she was mad at me. Usually, when she sees the camera she starts smiling and holds her smile until I am done...not that day...this was her face! LOL She was mad at Mommy!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
First Fever
Last night was really scary for me. Thank God, my baby has never gotten sick. But when I got home she was really cranky and her little face was so flushed. I gave her a bath and she was still fussy. When she woke up at 10 she was so hot. It scared me. She was runnin 102 fever. I gave her some Tylenol and so far from what Ma has told me, she is alright. SHe has no fever THANK GOD! Man, did that scare me!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Random Jade Blog
I woke up this morning to my sleeping baby girl. As I was watching her sleep, I was thinking back at how long I have wanted this little bundle. To see her breath, smile, move around is just so amazing to me, because she is MINE...I dont have to send her back to anyone...she stays with me. I dont get to "borrow" her for the weekend...she's mine...all mine...and she calls me Mommy. I finally realized that the saying "Good things come to those who wait" is so true. I am truely blessed.
She wakes up and smiles at me, she starts going crazy when I just walk by her and not pick her up, she loves when I bathe her, she loves when I kiss her...she even turns her head to kiss the other cheek LOL, she loves hugs, and most importantly...She loves me :)
She wakes up and smiles at me, she starts going crazy when I just walk by her and not pick her up, she loves when I bathe her, she loves when I kiss her...she even turns her head to kiss the other cheek LOL, she loves hugs, and most importantly...She loves me :)
Monday, February 15, 2010
Jade and her Wii
Ragedy Ann
When I was litle my mom bought me a Ragedy Ann doll. I loved that doll so much! I had her for such a long time that she was starting to fall apart. My mom ended up sewing her together so many times, until the doll could not take it anymore. So, the other day my Sweet Aunt from California (Tia Pabi) sent Jade her first Ragedy Ann Doll! I loved it, and as you can see….she did too! LOL. The doll is bigger than her!
Peeping Tom? HEHE
The other day, Jade was sleeping…we usually feed the chickens in the mornings and they come running the sound of the door or the window opening. Since the weather was so nice this weekend, we decided we wanted to air out the house and open the windows. Jade was sleeping in her Pack N Play by the window….but guess who was waiting for her to wake up?? Chicken Boo! LOL. They are definitely getting way to comfortable!
Old McJadey Had a farm!
A couple of weeks ago, we wake up to the sound of a Rooster….in my mind, I thought I was going crazy! However, I am very happy to say that I wasn’t. To my amazement, we had a few Chickens and Roosters in my back yard!! They came from my neighbors back yard, we have had some windy weather and it knocked down the back fence… Mama Jade has temporarily adopted these chickens. In the mornings when we wake up we feed them some bread…and its so funny to watch her because the whole time she is cracking up laughing!
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