The Paranormal…Ghosts....I know there are a lot of skeptics out there concerning this particular subject. A lot of times what is unknown is often mistaken as “I don’t believe in it”. I am truly a believer, I believe we are surrounded by spirits that are trapped here on this earth, spirits that have unfinished business, for example those that were murdered or suicide. I believe that there are paranormal activities that happen (even to skeptics) that are completely unexplainable, so how did it happen??
First and foremost, my husband and I have been involved with a Paranormal group called Haunted Houston, we enjoy looking for stuff like this. Now, we don’t do nothing crazy or demonic we just go into houses or public places that have been rumored to be “haunted”. We take pictures, we do EVP work, we video tape. Unfortunately, we don’t always get what we want on video , recorder or pictures, but yet the personal experiences are there.
I do have to warn people who are interested in doing what we do, that it is very addicting but also at the same time you must be careful!! Believe it or not, some people tend to be more sensitive to this activity than others. You must be strong minded and strong spirited!
Now my husband and I used to live in a town home off of Bay Area Blvd and Space Center. That was around the time when we were getting really deep into the Ghost Hunting. A lot of the time when I was there, I would feel like someone was watching me. I would see someone walk by, through my side view. The toilet would flush on its own. Toys would be on the floor when no one was there. Footsteps, sounding like a child running around. Chilling cold as you made your way upstairs. It is known that when there is an entity around you, that the room temperature drops in that certain area. You would feel that, particularly in that area or the home.
Needless to say, we cut the lease because of the activity, it was to the point where the maintenance man would NOT go to my upstairs bathroom!!
Now at times I feel that maybe I should back off!! But then I think about it and I am just so intrigued by this!! I don’t know…I just may stop.
The pictures that I added are on a house in Galveston. This home has been on the market SEVERAL times. The people residing in this house can not stay longer than 2 months due to activity. It is known that house was from the early days. The first murder committed in that home was of a doctor who found out his wife was cheating. He grabbed her and threw her over the stairs and hung her! The second story is of a family who was trying to save themselves from that horrible hurricane that came through Galveston. The father tied up his family and himself to the fence because the winds were so strong and he did not want his family to be blown away. But unfortunately for him…the tide came up and there was no way he could untie himself. It was known that it was 8 of them. When we arrived at that home. There was a sudden chill. A lot of us were saying we could hear kids laughing, I did not experience that, all I experienced was a cob web feeling. Its known that when an entity is there you get a cob web like feeling. Also the red stuff in the picture, was on all the pictures of that house. I even had to change rolls and those were the same. Red substance like that is said to be negative or bad energy!! I will update you guys on some more stuff, I will add some stuff here and there on pictures that we have taken. I hope you enjoy
\ˌpa-rə-ˈnȯr-məl, ˈpa-rə-ˌ\
circa 1920
: not scientifically explainable : supernatural
— paranormal noun
— para·nor·mal·i·ty \ˌpa-rə-ˌnȯr-ˈma-lə-tē\ noun
— para·nor·mal·ly \-ˈnȯr-mə-lē\ adverb
\ˌpa-rə-ˈnȯr-məl, ˈpa-rə-ˌ\
circa 1920
: not scientifically explainable : supernatural
— paranormal noun
— para·nor·mal·i·ty \ˌpa-rə-ˌnȯr-ˈma-lə-tē\ noun
— para·nor·mal·ly \-ˈnȯr-mə-lē\ adverb
Main Entry:
\ˈen-tə-tē, ˈe-nə-\
Inflected Form(s):
plural en·ti·ties
Medieval Latin entitas, from Latin ent-, ens existing thing, from coined present participle of esse to be — more at is
1 a: being, existence; especially : independent, separate, or self-contained existence b: the existence of a thing as contrasted with its attributes2: something that has separate and distinct existence and objective or conceptual reality3: an organization (as a business or governmental unit) that has an identity separate from those of its members
Main Entry:
\ˈen-tə-tē, ˈe-nə-\
Inflected Form(s):
plural en·ti·ties
Medieval Latin entitas, from Latin ent-, ens existing thing, from coined present participle of esse to be — more at is
1 a: being, existence; especially : independent, separate, or self-contained existence b: the existence of a thing as contrasted with its attributes2: something that has separate and distinct existence and objective or conceptual reality3: an organization (as a business or governmental unit) that has an identity separate from those of its members
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