Tuesday, May 13, 2008


So, since I was a little girl, I was always worried about my health! The tiniest things cause me to over react about my health or those that I love. For some reason at times...a few symptoms turn out to be the worst disease in the world to me..lol. I live a happy life, I love my family and friends so I dont think it affects me in any way personal. I decided to take a test online to see how much of a hypochondriac I am...and well, when I was taking the test alot of the things that it was asking me, hit right on the dot! Check it out
Your Hypochondria Rating:Very High
Your rating leaves little doubt that you are a hypochondriac. You are driven to great levels of anxiety over your health concerns. Fearing for your well-being borders on obsession for you. Your next step should be to seek a professional diagnosis and treatment for this condition. A much happier life is waiting for you.
The Hypochondria TestHypochondria Symptoms and Treatment

My friend and co-worker Gwen, was telling me I remind her of the scared octopus on Finding Nemo, you know the one that inks on herself when she is scared

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