Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Sleepless at the L&D
Its about 2 am and I have slept maybe 1 hour which sucks cause I need to sleep but I can't lol!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
How I spend my day
Well, since the Dr put me on a Semi Bed rest...I havent really done much. I have cleaned, done laundry and cooked. Other than that I pretty much chill with my mommy and my sister, whom by the way are awesome company.
Tomorrow I have an appointment with the Dr. and we will see if she has dropped and if she has he will send me to the hospital. If she hasnt he will wait 6 more days! Whatever he thinks is best for my baby.
He said that I have been doing very well in keeping up with my blood pressure, I havent swelled much but my feet look chubbier, good thing I always have them done heheh

Also, here lately I have been so much into watching the Food Network! Its just so awesome! YAY food!
Today, Lupe and I needed to go run a couple of errands. Take care of a few last minute details. However, I did not expect this!!!!

104 degrees!! OMG! I thought I was going to just pass out! Thank goodness for my husband, because he always remembers to get water for me. GEEZ! LOL I just cant believe how hot it was. My poor daddy...he has to work outdoors :(
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
38 weeks pregnant
I am 38 weeks and 2 days pregnant. My...how my belly has grown LOL. It just seems like over night I grew even more. Here is my 38 week picture! LOL. My feet are starting to swell just a little, but I think its because I am up and around at home, cleaning and getting stuff organized. It sucks cause it hurts all the way up to my thigh!
My mom and sister have been hanging out with me all day and I love it. I have been able to relax but at the same time I have been able to take care of stuff. My mom and sis have helped tons. What the heck would I do with out them??!!!
My mom and sister have been hanging out with me all day and I love it. I have been able to relax but at the same time I have been able to take care of stuff. My mom and sis have helped tons. What the heck would I do with out them??!!!

Maternity Leave
It's official, I am now on Maternity Leave. It feels awesome to be home. I have had a chance to dust my house from top to bottom. Get everything organized for when my little monkey gets here. The good thing is that I do not have to suffer any more...since I am being induced and let me tell ya, being pregnant and in the summer really bites! Not a good combo!
I have already gotten Jadey's crib set up, it has all the bedding on it. Her daddy has already put batteries in her Swing, Bouncy and her little music box. We have the wipes and all ready right by the bed! I can honestly say that I am super excited...I am so grateful to God that he has given me the honor to be a mommy! I am nervous and kinda scared about the whole inducing part...but I have faith in God and I know all will be ok.
I have already gotten Jadey's crib set up, it has all the bedding on it. Her daddy has already put batteries in her Swing, Bouncy and her little music box. We have the wipes and all ready right by the bed! I can honestly say that I am super excited...I am so grateful to God that he has given me the honor to be a mommy! I am nervous and kinda scared about the whole inducing part...but I have faith in God and I know all will be ok.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
I went to the Dr on Friday, he weight me and I have not gained a pound since the last visit. Which is awesome! They ofcourse checked to see if I have swollen, which I have...but very little. He said my blood pressure was great! We also talked about inducing. Due to the fact that I have been having such a hard time walking, rolling out of bed....and the fact that I live 40 minutes away from the hospital, he decided to induce me on June, 29th. I AM SOOO EXCITED! But at the same time I am scared. This is my first baby and I dont know what to expect. Im sure all first time moms feel like that. Anywhoo...so we will meet our little monkey a week earlier! YAY! My last day of work will be Tuesday, and then I am taking the remainer of the week to go to my next Dr appointment, and to get things cleaned and settled for when Jade gets here! I cant wait! I have tons of faith and God and I know all will be fine. Also, the Dr switched up hospitals on me!! I will be delivering at Park Plaza off of Binz Rd. I will keep posting all the updates!
Friday, June 12, 2009
36 Week Check Up
We went to the Dr. today, and she weighed me. I have gained a total of 9 lbs so far through my entire pregnancy! Can you believe that?! She was very proud of me. She also checked my blood pressure and it was great! She said I have done a great job. We went ahead and did the pelvic exam, she did the Strep B test and checked to see if I was dilated. I am now 1 cm dilated and my cervix has thinned out. How exciting! She also said that we could talk about possibly inducing labor with in 1 to 1 1/2 weeks. Thats even more exciting, but we will definately know more this coming Friday!
Lupe and I have also discussed who would be in the delivery room with us, and we both agreed that its better that it be me, him and my mom. Only because she is my mom and I feel a million times better with her by my side. Plus...its her first grandbaby and she totally deserves to watch this! Lupe thought it would be an awesome idea to have her there. So that is our decision. So for now...we just sit and wait on our baby! COME ON JADEY!
Lupe and I have also discussed who would be in the delivery room with us, and we both agreed that its better that it be me, him and my mom. Only because she is my mom and I feel a million times better with her by my side. Plus...its her first grandbaby and she totally deserves to watch this! Lupe thought it would be an awesome idea to have her there. So that is our decision. So for now...we just sit and wait on our baby! COME ON JADEY!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Anxiously Waiting for Baby Jade
As alot of my closest friends know. Lupe and I tried for several years to concieve. God granted us our most desired wish and here comes our Baby Jade! We have 3 weeks left until she comes! *crossing fingers* Hopefully sooner. We have truly been blessed with great Family and Friends. We recieved tons and tons of gifts! I can honestly say that we are prepared for our baby girl! Check out all the cool stuff!
Here is her Diaper Warehouse! LOL
Her Bottle Rack! Yummmyyyy Bottles!
Her stroller that her Daddy and Grandpa Jose picked out for her! HEHE
She will never be stinky! All the baby wash and lotions! I love the way these smell!
Here is her Diaper Warehouse! LOL

Baby Shower
My wonderful friend Tania went and threw me a baby shower! She did awesome! My Awesome Momma and sister had the place all decorated, then my sweety pie made some rocking Brisket, potatoe salad, beans and rice! My sister in law Sue bought me the awesome cake! That was super sweet of her! We played some really cool games too...Check out some of the pictures!!
Here are all the girls from the baby shower. Thank you All so much! I love you all very much!!
Here is my awesome Cake! Isnt it cute!

My beautiful Mommy and Proud Soon to be Grandma...measuring my belly!

Another pic of the cake! It as yummy as it looked! It was Vanilla and Chocolate with a Bulgvarian Creme Filling!! MMMMM

Janeth and her friend!
Here is my sister and Tania! I sooo love them! They rock!
My sister in Laws- Viola (Yaya) and Sue!
My awesome friend Deb! I am so glad she came!
Last, but never ever least! My sister from another mister! My wonderful friend Christi! Thank you for coming and sharing this wonderful and very special moment with me Stink! Love you!
Here are all the girls from the baby shower. Thank you All so much! I love you all very much!!
Here is my awesome Cake! Isnt it cute!
My beautiful Mommy and Proud Soon to be Grandma...measuring my belly!
Another pic of the cake! It as yummy as it looked! It was Vanilla and Chocolate with a Bulgvarian Creme Filling!! MMMMM
Janeth and her friend!
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