Friday, June 12, 2009

36 Week Check Up

We went to the Dr. today, and she weighed me. I have gained a total of 9 lbs so far through my entire pregnancy! Can you believe that?! She was very proud of me. She also checked my blood pressure and it was great! She said I have done a great job. We went ahead and did the pelvic exam, she did the Strep B test and checked to see if I was dilated. I am now 1 cm dilated and my cervix has thinned out. How exciting! She also said that we could talk about possibly inducing labor with in 1 to 1 1/2 weeks. Thats even more exciting, but we will definately know more this coming Friday!

Lupe and I have also discussed who would be in the delivery room with us, and we both agreed that its better that it be me, him and my mom. Only because she is my mom and I feel a million times better with her by my side. Plus...its her first grandbaby and she totally deserves to watch this! Lupe thought it would be an awesome idea to have her there. So that is our decision. So for now...we just sit and wait on our baby! COME ON JADEY!

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