Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Friday- Dr. Appointment

Friday, my hubby and I have a Dr. Appointment, this time its to try and hear the baby's heart! I am super excited. I will try and see if I can record it if we can hear it. *crossing fingers that we can*

White Christmas 2008!

Our cute little neighbor came over and told my hubby to come outside....and behold what we saw! A beautiful snow covered yard! I love it! My baby and I played in the snow a bit, we threw a few snow balls! Look how beautiful it looks!

Friday, November 21, 2008


welcome Pictures, Images and Photos

Today, my good Friend Tanya had her baby! Isabella Allen!! WELCOME, and CONGRATS to the new parents!!!

Isnt she so cute?

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Morning "afternoon" Sickness

I had a wonderful day, this morning I woke up with just a stuffy nose...and during the entire day, I didnt feel anything else. However, when I got home this afternoon...I was barfing my brains out! I was just so blahhhh, but in the end its all worth it!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Baby Martinez- 7 weeks 1 day

Today I went for another ultrasound, the Dr wanted to see the heart, and sure enough...we saw the heart! It was so beautiful!! I loved the way it was just beating so fast!! I'm so in love

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Nasty Weather

For the past 2 days- the weather has been very nasty. Especially when I am at work, and I sit by the window. It makes me super sleepy. This thype of weather makes me want to cuddle and lay under the covers and watch a good movie!! Check out what it looked like yesterday afternoon

However, on a much happier note!! Lupe bought me my DS!! It's an early X-mas present!! Im so happy! I LOVE YOU BABY!!

By the way....I could not find my camera charger and I was not able to take picture with the I was taking pictures with my phone. But I found it last night!! YAY

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A wish for a new baby

I came acorss this super cute poem...Just thought I would share it.

A Wish For A New Baby

Author: Christine Michaels

I wished upon a star...I closed my eyes and prayed,
I threw a shiny penny, into a well each day.
The same little wish was wished,upon my birthday cake
I asked the Lord... Please hurry, just for heaven's sake!
I was trying to be patient, but I had waited long enough
My wishing well with pennies, was now completely stuffed!
I would start and end my days repeating the same prayer,
I knew that up in heaven,they could see I really cared.
Just when I thought I couldn't, bear another day
It is then that I learned, you were on your way.
All the prayers and wishes, finally did come true
The blessing God gave me, was my pregnancy with you!

Week 6

I went to the Dr yesterday, and he said my pregnancy is going good! My levels are awesome as well. He did an ultrasound to see how far I was, because my due date was up in the air. So apparently I am 6 weeks!! YAY! He did an ulta sound and I know its very hard to see but on the bottom left hand side is the baby's spinal membrane and the tiny heart! I saw that tiny thing beat! This is all surreal to me right now!

Monday, November 10, 2008

First Ultra Sound

Today will be my first prenatal visit with the Dr. At this appointment, he will determine exactly how far I am, and hopefully I get to hear or see my baby's heartbeat! I cant wait! I am so excited!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Late- Pumpkin Carving Pictures

I have not had the chance to post in a while. I have been so caught up with going to the Doctor and work that I havent made time to post. But here it is...better late than never. The kids wanted to carve a pumpkin for Halloween. I gotta say...they both did great!

My Baby enjoying the gross part of carving a pumpkin!!

My Bubba, gutting the pumkin- under the wonderful supervision of his Daddy!

Carving a pumpkin takes skills, and concentration!! Look at how serious they look
YAY!!! The finished art work!!! Looks nice Baby!!!
Hmmm....They never finished theirs.LOL Look how hard Bubba is working LOL!!

Saturday, November 1, 2008


OHHH MYYY GOSH!!!! It finally happend!! Thank You God!!! At this moment, I am the happiest person in the world. All of my closest friends have known the struggle that Lupe and I have been through to try an conceive, but we did it!! HAAA We finally did it.

I went to the Dr on Thursday and he did some blood work. I am 4 weeks pregnant!

Saturday, October 18, 2008


I started taking some Glucophage-which is used for Type 2 Diabetics...but is also used for women with PCOS. Thank God, I have not felt many of the side effects, however; I do get nauseated every now and then, and I get cold alot easier. I have done my share of research and I see that this is normal. Also, there is an estimated 65% of women diagnosed with PCOS who get pregnant after this treatment! I am crossing my fingers!!!!

Our next step after this, is the Dr. checking to see if my tubes are not blocked. People have told me that its a VERY painful procedure!!!! Anywhoo. I will continue posting!


Michelle Pictures, Images and Photos

34yrs, that is a long time! We would like to wish you guys many, many more years of marriage. I hope that they are full of happiness and tons of blessings!!! May God Bless you guys always!!

We love you

Friday, October 3, 2008

Dr.'s Appointment

Today we went to the Dr. As alot of my closest friends and family, we have been trying to have a baby for 3 yrs now. So today I did my regular visit (Well Woman) and we went ahead and started discussing the whole trying to concieve thing. The Dr. did an ultrasound to check how my ovaries and uterus looked. My uterus was "Great" he said, but for some reason he could not find my left ovary. Well....My left ovary...for some reason is behind my uterus, and my right ovary has tiny cysts on it. He diagnosed me is PCOS- which really bums me out because I started reading some of the symptoms and I never really experienced any of it. However- I did see the cysts on my ovary (yes 1 ovary..the other one is somewhere in la la land lol) Dr. said he would work with my right ovary! Which brought a spark of hope back to me. I am leaving it in God's hands...he has never failed me and I know he isnt going to! To those who love us...please pray for us! THANKS!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Halloween is almost here

With October literally around the corner, we get really excited because it's our favorite holiday

  • It's my sisters b-day!

  • You get to dress up and be what ever you want

  • Eat lots and lots of candy

  • The weather

  • The scary decorations that we put up

  • Lupe gets to scare the crap out of Sue (last night he was practicing)

But this year I think will be very exciting only for the simple fact that we plan on having a Halloween Party for the kiddos, plus it's the first Halloween in our house! We plan on decorating the house a bit especially inside. We have gotten some things already. I am definately looking forward to some haunted houses (real ones), ghost stories, making a jack-o-lantern...I will post some pictures later of some of the decor!

Chocolate Haunted Castle

I went to the store this weekend and came across this super cute Haunted Castle. I'm sure it will be alot of fun to set up! I will post the pictures after my son makes it. I CAN'T WAIT!!!

Happy Birthday My Baby Monkey!!!

After an entire night of game playing, candy eating, ice cream eating, pizza grubbing...this is the result...a bed full of what looks like a bunch of college boys! LOL......they didnt go to bed until 3 in the morning!

Happy Birthday baby! I love you so much...

Friday, September 26, 2008

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Happy birthday daddy! I am so thankful to God, for having picked you to be MY daddy. Thank you for everything you have taught me, for your time and love. I dont think anyone could ever be as lucky as me, to have a daddy like you! I love you daddy! HAPPY BIRTHDAY

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Damage- Ike

We finally got our lights on 2 days ago! It was a long week. This was the first hurricane that I have ever been in, honestly- it was the scariest thing ever! My house (which is all brick) felt like it was shaking- in my head I was thinking " Any minute now, my roof is going to go flying off" Thank God, it did not happen and we are all ok , however, it did cause some damage to my house. Here are some pictures :



This tree is right in front of the room where my parents were sleeping- Thank God it broke and it landed the other way!!

Our fence

Here is a video of how bad the wind was blowing- This is when it first hit landfall. The wind is pretty bad, and there was already a broken tree

This is what we woke up to the next day, all the mess we had to pick up. We were one of the fortunate ones, that had a livable roof over our heads...Thank God it was minor damage.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Hurricane Ike- Pre Party

Ike is on his way, and honestly- I am a bit scared, but check out how my family shows their concern:
First- Let take advantage of the "cooler" weather. They pulled out the hammick, and just relaxed for a few. (I wonder what they are looking at)
Second: The hammick just didnt do it for my baby. He was bored and decided to do this

But that didnt do it he did this

All that jumping made him thirsty

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Cowboy's Game 9/7/08

We had such a good time Sunday with our family, we had a house full! The game was awesome, and we served up some Hotdogs on the grill and some Nachos!! Yummy! The kids had fun, they played on the slip and slide!! Thanks to everyone who came!
Chepaw, enjoying the the game front row

Savannah being a little thug!!


My baby and IThe grub!

Saturday, September 6, 2008


Yeah baby!! It's that time again...big rugged guys, sweating, just viciously tackling each other, running as hard as they can to make a touch down, ITS FOOTBALL TIME!! Tomorrow we are having a family get together to watch the Cowboys play. So I should post some pics tomorrow. So as T.O says..."GET YOUR POPCORN READY"

Monday, September 1, 2008

Morning Sunrise

Saturday, Lupe and I had to wake up around 6:00 because our cable guy was coming to install a new cable service that they are offering in our area. So we got up at 6ish...maybe earlier, the guy was scheduled to come at 7:00am. My hubby went and bought me some hot coffee and some delicious donuts for all of us. Look how beautiful the sun looks


Graham Crakers
Hershey's Chocolate
Twigs for the Mallows

This weekend, my boys and I were in the mood for some Smores. My oldest and my hubby started the fire and my little one and I got the chairs out. We told a few scary stories and chilled out. We really enjoyed it.
The only bad thing was, we were surrounded by mosquitos!! I HATE THEM..Look at my baby scratching!! :(

Here's my handsome boys

The "Campsite"
The Mallow Yummy!!!