Friday, November 27, 2009

Bath time with Daddy

I bathe Jade pretty much every night. Lupe get scared bathing her, so he has decided to give it a shot. Notice the hesitation at first....

Now with confidence he scrubs! My baby is now clean! Hurray for Daddy

Sunday, November 8, 2009

My Girl

The best thing in my life :)
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Spending time with Abuelito Jose

Every weekend, my dad comes over to hang out with Jadey Poo or I take her to see him. Since he is the only one that doesn't get a chance to see her on a daily basis like Al and Ma. As soon as he walks in, he greets her "Mamachita!!! Aqui esta tu Abuelito!" (Mamachita, your grandpa is here!) As soon as she sees him, she gives him a huge smile! Then the sparks come on, and that's it. The entire day its just him and her. No one else in their little world! He usually feeds her, changes her diaper and takes her out for walks or sits in the front watching people and cars go by. Most of the time he talks to her, but sometime it just doesn't matter what is said, as long as they are together. They stare off together, him in his deep thoughts and her just taking in the new world around herWhile she sits there and takes it all in, there is one thing she enjoys doing, she loves to eat her fingers HAHA , At first its a little sour...Hmm, it doesn't taste that bad...YUMMY!!!After all the deep thoughts, and all the finger the end what matters most was that they loved being with each other, and that they will meet again the next weekend, to do what they do best together.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

First Halloween

We had such a fun time on Halloween. We ended up going to Pearland. Jadey had such a good time. Her brothers were getting the candy for her, because it was a little cold for her, so we kept her nice and bundled. She dressed up as a little pumpkin. Then Jaylan dressed as a Ninja! TEEHEE. It was so cute. Then there was a house im the neighborhood that had a Haunted House, on the front part of the house had a huge Reaper.