Monday, October 25, 2010

Couch Potatoe

Lupe and I have been working on Jades playroom, and what more does a playroom need? Its very own couch! So we bought her a cute princess one and she LOVES it!

"Wait daddy, go back to the other channel" LOL

Ahhhh life!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Jingling all around!!

So now that Jade is starting to walk, she puts all sorts of things on herself, she found some jingle bells and put it on her ankle!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Wiggle Worm

Jade gets soooo excited when her Tia Alex creeps up on her. Something about Alex growling at her and coming at her...makes her go CRAZZZYYY!! They are too funny!

My Big girl is walking

Jade is getting so big. Man, how time flys! This weekend my honey and I were taking her outside in the grass for her to be able to balance herself better. Isnt she little??!

Monday, August 30, 2010

She's just wild.

I like to take Jade with me everywhere I go. So I had to do some grocery shopping, as I was getting Jade dressed, she was throwing a fit because I was trying to brush her hair. She just wasnt having it. So...I gave up and let her be the free spirit that she is.... Check out that hair!!
She didnt appreciate that I made fun of her :/

Her first steps

Usually on Mondays people ask me "How was your weekend?" and typically I would respond "Ehhh, it was ok...not long enough" or " It was alright, I didnt do anything special".....However, not this weekend. This weekend was diffrent. This weekend was a very exciting and happy weekend, not only for me, but for Jadey Poo as well. This weekend was the beginning of broken lamps, bruises all over the knees and hands. This baby took her first real steps.

We were at my moms place and she did it over and over again, and of course like any mother...I got it on video. Ofcourse, after I finished crying and screaming like a baby!! LOL HOW EXCITING!!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Although I dont really look forward to going to work...I sometimes get to catch such a wonderful sunrise. God is so awesome isnt he?

She's such a good assistant!

I have the best babysitter in the entire world...and Jadey Poo seems to think so as well. When I was picking her up from my parents house and I came in and saw boo boo was helping Grandpa wash dishes hehehe

Lazy Sunday

This weekend, we took my hubby to the ER because we thought he broke his ankle. Thank God, it was just a fracture and it will take a few weeks to get better. I hope he gets better soon.

However, while the hubby and I were at the ER, someone else was having a "spa" day with Grandpa....He rolls this thing on her face and she loves it! LOL

Thursday, August 19, 2010

So this, is Love... :)

So my mom pulled out an old school toy of mine. Mom said my sister and I used to love it. She pulled out a Pound Puppy...Well, Jade is in love. She smootches this pup any time she can...please see the evidence below. looks like love to me!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Her workout

This morning I woke up a bit late, but when I did wake up...I woke up to this. Poor Daddy....look at his face

Friday, August 13, 2010

My Wish List

So, I am mid way through book 7 of Harry Potter....and I LOVE IT! I don't know what my life would be with out Mr. Potter. The book is wrapping up mid way...and I just dont know how to handle that! LOL. The first part of the movie is coming out in November YAY. Cant wait I have been saving up to get an E-Reader....not just ANY E-Reader....but the Nook . You can upload books cheaper than you would when you buy the actual book, you can even borrow books for FREE when you have a B&N membership. Awesome right?

Now...last but NEVER EVER least. My next wish is to give my Jadey Poo and KISS KISS!

Monday, August 9, 2010

The biggest Wonder Pets fan

Jadey poo loves watching TV...however, there is nothing more exciting to her, than watching Wonder Pets. As soon as she hears them sing, she goes bonkers!
Check it out. She looks so funny!

Lazy Sunday Pic

We didnt do anything this Sunday. We just relaxed. My hubby was watching sports all day, while Jadey and I enjoyed the sunny view from INSIDE!!! Its just toooo hot to be out!

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Thursday, August 5, 2010

What late nights do to Jade

Last night Jade woke me up at 12midnight. She was in a playful mood. So we both decided to wish her Aunt Sue a happy birthday, i fed her and she went back to bed around 2AM . Now look a her....just napping her little butt off....

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Happy Birthday Sue

Happy Birthday to my sister in law Sue. We hope that you have a wonderful day, surrounded by those you love. God blesa you always and many more to come. We love you!!!!

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Sunday, August 1, 2010

Thd Perfect Sunday

Shoes scattered all on the floor, the fan blowing high, the kids well fed, and baby all up in the mix. Thats the perfect Sunday.

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Tuesday, July 27, 2010


My girl has a hearty appetite, but now that she is a big girl, she feeds

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3 Characters

We went to San Antonio a few weekends ago and we got cartooned. We do it everytime we go. He drew Jadey Poo so well!

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She's a big girl now...

Since shd turned 1 her pediatrician said we could flip her car seat to face the front, and i must say she likes it better .

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And she's off!!!!

Jade has been crawling all over the place ...I just thought this picture was funny!

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Jade's 1st Birthday Party

I know, I know...shes been 1 for about 3 weeks now and I am just now posting! SORRY! girl had a blast. We were surrounded by family and friends, and it meant alot to us. Here are a few snapshots of her party. Which by the way was awesome. He theme was Hello Kitty. We had a snow cone machine and games. Due to the weather, we cancelled our water slide :(

Her and Grandma :) I love her :)

Her cake. Pretty huh?
Her silly Tia Alex!

I dont know how to explain this pic...I really dont!

Smootches from Tia Sue....HAHAH HER FACE!!

Me and My girl!! Shes so freakin cute in her tutu! Her and her Big Brother....ohhh and her Tia in the back ground...oooyyy scary! Birthday Monkey and her aunts!

Doing the baby has mad skills like her Motha! My baby and her ol' man!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Snug as a Bug in Rug

Bed time is usually easy...depending how tired she is. However, when she is really tired, she rolls over, and cuddles with me and her boppy, and looks oh so very snug.

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What a mess!

Now that Miss Jade is learning how to walk, she gets into everything. Including our movie shelf and her box of bows....she goes as far and getting my laptop! Look at the big mess!!!

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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Summer Moonlight

My good friend Nazir always invites us over to his home in the summer, he has 3 pools and live on the 8th floor. We always have a blast, especially Jade. She just cant get enough of the pool. However, the most beautiful part of being there is being there with Jadey Poo and sharing this wonderful scenery with her. Isnt it beautiful?

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Coolin' Off

Jade got lots of gifts for her bday. She loves each and everyone of them. So we decided to go ahead and put one of them to use. Her pool! Not only did she enjoy it, but so did Jaylan. Dont they look cute

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Birthday Girl

Here is a picture of my birthday girl. I have been busy and have not been able to blog the way i should, but I promise I will do my best

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Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Technically, your birthday is tomorrow.....but I am just so here goes my love.

Happy Birthday my baby girl. God knows how much joy you have brought into our lives. You are definately the best gift that I have ever received. You were certainly worth the wait baby girl. May God always bless you. I love you SOOOOOOOO much. Happy Birthday Jade :)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Can't touch this!!!

My Hubby received a card in the mail because tomorrow is his b-day. And this wasn't any regular card....this card came with a tune...and apparently a little dancer!! Thank Tia Sue for the card and look what you caused in the house!

Monday, May 31, 2010

First time at the beach

We finally took my baby to the beach. She loved it. We didnt let her get into the water as much as we wanted to, but just walking around in the sand was fun for her :)

A girl and her swing

We have been wanting to get Jade a swing for a long time already. So we finally did and I'm so glad we did. She LOVES that darn thing!
Ahhh just relaxing.

Augh....that darn itch! LOL fun!

A girl and her swing :) THE END

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

She's such a big girl!.jpg

My girl is just getting so big. It feels as if it was just yesterday she was born. Isn't she beautiful?? :)
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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Ducks At The Park.jpg

They were gorgeous!
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