Monday, December 21, 2009

Jade found her feet

She is now 5 1/2 months, and wow how time flys. She started grasping for things alot better now, she grabs it and just beats the crap out of her toys LOL. Last week, I had her on her back and she lifts her legs and starts grabbing her feet! YAY

Jade found her feet

FINALLY, Pictures of her chompers

Jade NEVER lets me take a picture of her new teeth. She either moves her head and has a fit or she hits my hand out of the way, or she will bite me HEHEHE. So finally, they are big enough to see. She started teething around 3 month. It kinda threw her sleep off. She used to sleep through the night up until she was about 3 1/2 months until now. She gets a little fussy, she cries. She has been clingy and just wants me, daddy or grandma, and we do not mind loving on her. So, behold....Jades 2 teeth.