Friday, October 30, 2009

My heart...

just melts when I see this beautiful smile. :) *sigh* she is all mine :)

Jade 4 months!

My little monkey turned 4 months today. I must say that every week, she does so many new things. It just amazes me. Here is a video of her copying the noises I make LOL. Its so funny...also, notice how distracted she gets when she sees the camera. LOL

Monday, October 26, 2009

My little Aunt Jemima

She was so into watching her brothers this weekend. Jaylan dressed up as a ninja and he wrapped one of his sleeves on her head...and she loved it. She also looked extra pretty because she got her ears pierced Saturday. It was very hard for me because she got scared. She didnt cry much...I cried more than she did. Auughh

My Funny Monkey

Jade is going to be 4 months on Friday...and well we have over 1000 pics of her. Its funny how you take so many pictures of your child. Yet there is one picture in particular that just cracks me up when I see it. She is just chewing away at her little hands!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Sitting up

My little munchkin seems like she is just growing up so fast. It makes me sad sometimes, because I am enjoying her so much right now, and I just dont want her to get bigger...she is such a good baby. She is silly, and very very active hehe! Every little thing she does, all her little coo's. As a new mom sometimes her little coo's scare me...dumb I know...but sometimes I just wonder if they are coo's or if something hurts HEHE.
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Me and my boo

I just love all the wierd littl faces my little munchkin makes. Here lately sha has a thing with sticking out her tongue. Here is a pic where she is doing that. HEHEHE Doesnt it look funny!

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