Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Meteor Showers

I have always been interested meteors, moon, stars etc etc. So I found this chart of when we will have meteor showers. Check it out...last night I didnt see anything but they also said that you can try it again right before midnight the following day up till the dawn of the next day! YAY

Afternoon Walks

Lupe has been jogging almost every day since he signed up for a marathon in a few months. So, since Jade is alot bigger now and since she has grown to love her stroller, we tag along with him. He jogs and ofcourse I just walk with her. Yesteday was beautiful, there was an awesome breeze, the sun was going down. Jade and I loved it. At first she fell asleep and after a few she started crying (she was hungry). This park is beautiful, it starts off as a small road then it goes over a little bridge and then once you go over the bridge there is nothing but beautiful trees, and lots of shade! I took my cell with me but today I will take my camera so I can take a better pic.

Spending time with Grandma

If there is one thing that Jade loves to do is spend time with her Grandma Rosy. It just seems that everytime Ma comes around and just starts talking to her she seems to just light up and start smiling and giggling! Which I love, because my Mom make me smile as well :) AWWW. LOL. However, yesterday Jade and Grandma just chilled. They watched TV, they playing on her swing, she went outside for a little walk in her stroller (thats a whole diffrent blog...she loves that damn thing), and at the end of the day they were both pooped and just chilled