Friday, November 21, 2008


welcome Pictures, Images and Photos

Today, my good Friend Tanya had her baby! Isabella Allen!! WELCOME, and CONGRATS to the new parents!!!

Isnt she so cute?

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Morning "afternoon" Sickness

I had a wonderful day, this morning I woke up with just a stuffy nose...and during the entire day, I didnt feel anything else. However, when I got home this afternoon...I was barfing my brains out! I was just so blahhhh, but in the end its all worth it!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Baby Martinez- 7 weeks 1 day

Today I went for another ultrasound, the Dr wanted to see the heart, and sure enough...we saw the heart! It was so beautiful!! I loved the way it was just beating so fast!! I'm so in love

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Nasty Weather

For the past 2 days- the weather has been very nasty. Especially when I am at work, and I sit by the window. It makes me super sleepy. This thype of weather makes me want to cuddle and lay under the covers and watch a good movie!! Check out what it looked like yesterday afternoon

However, on a much happier note!! Lupe bought me my DS!! It's an early X-mas present!! Im so happy! I LOVE YOU BABY!!

By the way....I could not find my camera charger and I was not able to take picture with the I was taking pictures with my phone. But I found it last night!! YAY

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A wish for a new baby

I came acorss this super cute poem...Just thought I would share it.

A Wish For A New Baby

Author: Christine Michaels

I wished upon a star...I closed my eyes and prayed,
I threw a shiny penny, into a well each day.
The same little wish was wished,upon my birthday cake
I asked the Lord... Please hurry, just for heaven's sake!
I was trying to be patient, but I had waited long enough
My wishing well with pennies, was now completely stuffed!
I would start and end my days repeating the same prayer,
I knew that up in heaven,they could see I really cared.
Just when I thought I couldn't, bear another day
It is then that I learned, you were on your way.
All the prayers and wishes, finally did come true
The blessing God gave me, was my pregnancy with you!

Week 6

I went to the Dr yesterday, and he said my pregnancy is going good! My levels are awesome as well. He did an ultrasound to see how far I was, because my due date was up in the air. So apparently I am 6 weeks!! YAY! He did an ulta sound and I know its very hard to see but on the bottom left hand side is the baby's spinal membrane and the tiny heart! I saw that tiny thing beat! This is all surreal to me right now!

Monday, November 10, 2008

First Ultra Sound

Today will be my first prenatal visit with the Dr. At this appointment, he will determine exactly how far I am, and hopefully I get to hear or see my baby's heartbeat! I cant wait! I am so excited!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Late- Pumpkin Carving Pictures

I have not had the chance to post in a while. I have been so caught up with going to the Doctor and work that I havent made time to post. But here it is...better late than never. The kids wanted to carve a pumpkin for Halloween. I gotta say...they both did great!

My Baby enjoying the gross part of carving a pumpkin!!

My Bubba, gutting the pumkin- under the wonderful supervision of his Daddy!

Carving a pumpkin takes skills, and concentration!! Look at how serious they look
YAY!!! The finished art work!!! Looks nice Baby!!!
Hmmm....They never finished theirs.LOL Look how hard Bubba is working LOL!!

Saturday, November 1, 2008


OHHH MYYY GOSH!!!! It finally happend!! Thank You God!!! At this moment, I am the happiest person in the world. All of my closest friends have known the struggle that Lupe and I have been through to try an conceive, but we did it!! HAAA We finally did it.

I went to the Dr on Thursday and he did some blood work. I am 4 weeks pregnant!