Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Sleepless in Houston! *sigh*

So apparently its "normal" to suffer from insomnia during your pregnancy. Unfortunately for me, I have a bad case of it. Its about 1:22 AM and I can not sleep, mother nature called about 10 min ago....and just cant go back to sleep. So I decided I am going to keep record of how many times I do this during the rest of my pregnancy. This is about the 10Th time. But my first time keeping record of it. So, let me use this time to catch up and type about whats been going on.

  • I am now 26 weeks! I am so excited. Almost there! However, as I am approaching my last trimester, I cant help but to start getting nervous. I think a lot about her. I wonder if I will be a good mom. Who will she look like. Etc Etc. Then theres the symptoms.....here lately...PRESSURE, and some minor but dull back aches. Today I actually suffered from a few dizzy spells. This has never happened this much. But I read that its "normal" LOL. All I can say is...she is all well worth it!

  • Today...Ma, Alex and I went to Michael's Arts and Craft store and signed up for Professional Cake Decorating Classes!! How neat right? The classes were super cheap, apparently they have some sale going on and we got the class at $22.50 each! This will be fun. It will be something us girls can do together!

  • I just logged on to MySpace...and saw that Stink told me she mailed an invitation for Lexi's bday! YAY!! CAKE! Thanks Stink.

  • I joined Facebook...and I am not really liking it. Its a bit weird and I don't know anyone on it LOL.

  • This Friday, the kids, Lupe, Ma, possibly Al...we are all going to do the 3D ultrasounds! How exciting! I cant wait to see them. Hopefully we can see her features and get some sort of tiny peek at who she may look like!!

Ok, so now I am starting to get sleepy again! Good Night and I will type again tomorrow. Lets see what time nature calls tomorrow! HEHE...

Oh....and here is a view of what I see when I look down ! HAHA Jade says HELLO!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Dr. Appt and update

The baby is doing well, Thank God! This weekend I had a scare...I started getting moderate cramps, which scared me because I had never felt them that bad through my entire pregnancy. I went to the Dr and she said I was fine....I just need to learn to relax and not over due myself. I agree! I am the type of person that tends to just keep going even though I am tired....and that is not good for me at this time. So as of NOW...I will learn how to relax and take it easy. Right now as we speak...I am sipping on a delicious hot tea, under the covers. My wonderful husband went and bought me this relaxation CD and this "Midnight Moon" scented oil which he has lit up for me and now, here I am...relaxing a typing LOL.