Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Halloween 2012

This Halloween was super cool. We did out typical, went to a friends house and trick or treated in his neighborhood.

But this year we all dressed up.
I was an Egyptian person....I'd like to call myself an Egyptian Queen LOL
The Hubby was the puff man from Ghostbusters bahaha, that right there is a whole blog post on it's own.
My Jelly Bean was Nannette the Clown from the Big Comfty Couch.
My Anthony was a Zombie Monkey LOL...which scared the crap out of Alex.
My Jaylee was a skeleton in a morph suit.

Alot of kids kept running up to Lupe trying to rub on his costume.  
At first, Jade was really scared of Anthony's costume and would not go up to him. But as you see...she snuggled up to him eventually.

All in all...we all had a great time. A pretty awesome Halloween!