Saturday, October 18, 2008


I started taking some Glucophage-which is used for Type 2 Diabetics...but is also used for women with PCOS. Thank God, I have not felt many of the side effects, however; I do get nauseated every now and then, and I get cold alot easier. I have done my share of research and I see that this is normal. Also, there is an estimated 65% of women diagnosed with PCOS who get pregnant after this treatment! I am crossing my fingers!!!!

Our next step after this, is the Dr. checking to see if my tubes are not blocked. People have told me that its a VERY painful procedure!!!! Anywhoo. I will continue posting!


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34yrs, that is a long time! We would like to wish you guys many, many more years of marriage. I hope that they are full of happiness and tons of blessings!!! May God Bless you guys always!!

We love you

Friday, October 3, 2008

Dr.'s Appointment

Today we went to the Dr. As alot of my closest friends and family, we have been trying to have a baby for 3 yrs now. So today I did my regular visit (Well Woman) and we went ahead and started discussing the whole trying to concieve thing. The Dr. did an ultrasound to check how my ovaries and uterus looked. My uterus was "Great" he said, but for some reason he could not find my left ovary. Well....My left ovary...for some reason is behind my uterus, and my right ovary has tiny cysts on it. He diagnosed me is PCOS- which really bums me out because I started reading some of the symptoms and I never really experienced any of it. However- I did see the cysts on my ovary (yes 1 ovary..the other one is somewhere in la la land lol) Dr. said he would work with my right ovary! Which brought a spark of hope back to me. I am leaving it in God's hands...he has never failed me and I know he isnt going to! To those who love us...please pray for us! THANKS!